Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The downside...

None of my clothes freaking fit! My underwear, my bras, my shirts, everything is too big! I have a few of my older shirts from when I was thinner in college, but they're too small and everything I have been wearing on a regular basis is either too big or looks awful on me now.

I'd also like to know where the hell this rapid weight loss came from? I've been busting my ass for 8 months and all of a sudden I lose 3lbs. a week? So unfair. I'm hoping to hit my goal by Halloween this year. I have an awesome Lady Gaga costume planned, but I need to be able to fit in it (and wear it in public without people vomiting).

Mood: annoyed
Weight: 170


  1. good work! my weight loss has all together stopped, and actually reversed itself a little. (going home for a couple weeks and having mom's cooking without a gym membership will do that to a girl!)
    but i'm back on the bandwagon now, and dating a guy that barely weighs more than me. so I gotta lose some weight! Keep up the good work!

  2. Haha dating a smaller guy is always motivation to work out more! I finally weigh like 15lbs less than my boyfriend, which is a great comfort.

    Keep up the good work and stay on the wagon! :)
