Sunday, May 16, 2010

Good choices!

I am very proud of myself this week! I decided to do a low carb/low calorie diet for three weeks until I go on vacation. I would like to drop few more inches (if I can!) before then, so I have been watching what I am eating even more than normal. I have worked out every day (aside from my one rest day, my other rest day, I cheated and did cardio) and have been pushing myself harder with cardio and lifting. I started running on the treadmill, alternating running 2 minutes and walking 2. I am trying to stick to the "Couch to 5k Running Plan" ( to be able to do a 5k by the end of the year.

I went out drinking last night and instead of ordering the usual greasy bar food, I ended up ordering grilled chicken and veggies. I also drank nothing but Michelob Ultra (bleh). Tonight, I went to dinner with the boy and his parents. We do this every week and I normally reserve it as my cheat day and order whatever I want. Instead, I had a steak and veggies with a salad this time. I really, really wanted that burger with extra cheese, but I feel much better about the choices I made! I already feel like I have more energy and I am less reliant on caffeine and sugar for my daily fix.

I still haven't lost any weight, but my clothes are way too big on me now and getting looser. I started this journey as a snug size 16 and I am currently a loose 14 and ALMOST a 12. I am so close, I know I can do it in the next few months! My goal is to end up at about a size 8 and I know I can totally do it by the end of the year, if not sooner.

Weight: 187 (who cares what the scales say!?)
Mood: happy and feeling healthy


  1. Awesome job! You're almost caught up to me =)

    (I can squeeze into an 11, but I risk em ripping and had to settle on the comfortable 12 this week when I bought new jeans - I wanna fit back into my size 9's tho!)

  2. seriously, i've had to learn that what the scale says isn't important!! you're gaining muscle, and your body is becoming more healthy! keep up the good work!

  3. Hey check out this blog post of mine - there's something for you!!!
