Sunday, January 24, 2010

First Week Done! Huzzah!

So after a week of busting my ass at work, I was let go. No idea why, aside from the fact that I didn't kiss enough ass. I was early every day, worked harder than anyone else and faster than anyone else and even stayed late when they were swamped to help out. But alas, they "overhired" and apparently I was first in line to go. So, I will no longer be spending 8 hours walking and lifting. On the plus side, that leaves more room for the gym until I find a new job.

I went to the gym four days this week (I skipped a day because I apparently pulled a groin muscle or something and couldn't walk after work. Also, pulling a groin muscle feels like you had sex for ten hours without the benefit of actually having sex for 10 hours.) Each day, I spent at least 20 minutes on an elliptical and then worked on either legs or arms and abs every day. I feel like my core has tightened quite a bit, which is muy bueno (sp?). I also had a personal training session and he said my leg is gimpy, so we spent an hour showing me things to do to correct it. Since he wasted an hour on my gimpiness, he said I can have another session next week. Score! At the end of the week, I lost 2lbs! 60 to go!

Weight: 200
Mood: Tired, but hopeful

1 comment:

  1. LOL... 10 hours of sex? Is this from experience?? =D

    Where were you working? Gamestop still? That sucks... same thing happened with me at Sears though - they had too many people they had to schedule so I was getting like 2 days max each week and they let me go right after Christmas, even though out of all the part-time cashiers I had gotten the most credit apps... I found out my last day was 2 weeks earlier when I went to check the schedule and the computer system wouldn't let me log in =/ They told me to come back and see em in the Spring though, as they'll need people to help with the Garden and Lawn area though... we shall see...
